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Q. What should I wear to tan in?

A. You should plan to tan in whatever you are comfortable with. Keep in mind whatever you wear, those will be the tan lines that you will have. I always supply disposable bras, panties, and hairnets for your tanning experience. 


Q. Will the product stain my clothes?

A. Suvara Tanning solution is machine washable and will easily be removed from any clothing. However you should plan to wear baggy clothes home from your appointment.


Q. Is your product organic?

A. Suvara Tanning tanning solution is made from the finest quality organic ingredients, with the exception of DHA which is a manmade chemical. 


Q. How far in advance should I get my tan before an event?

A. To achieve the best results, you should plan your appointment for 24-48 hours prior to an event.


Q. How long will my airbrush tan last? 

A. Provided that you adhere to the pre-and post skin care instructions, your custom tan will last approximately 7 days.